Most providers of web hosting will tell you that it is the responsibility of the customers to issue an alert when a site is down. However, the best solution for this to help you make an informed decision is usage of uptime monitoring services. It is worth noting here that these services vary in statistical details, costs, time monitoring intervals, and notification features. Therefore, it becomes important for you to visit different websites providing these services and experience by yourself what you get with each service. The point to be conveyed is that you just cannot afford to witness downtime for your website. So you need to have an reassurance that your site remains up as guaranteed by the webhosting provider, especially if you have an eCommerce website that cannot afford to be down for hours during peak times and purchase periods.
If you are new to the world of web hosting, it is important for you to note that downtime refers to server errors and related interruptions. It does not include or refer to scheduled maintenance or unexpected network outages beyond control of the provider.
If you have been facing frequent site downtimes or the server on which your site is hosted accumulates excessive downtime for upgrades, repairs, etc., it is probably the right time to switch to a better and new webhosting provider. By using website uptime monitoring services, you can easily differentiate between a good and average website hosting provider. Moreover, you should take good time to contact a hosting provider and raise questions before you trust them for hosting your website on the World Wide Web.
For doing this, you need to visit a search engine such as Google or Bing and make a search for affordable web hosting providers. It is highly recommended that you choose only a reputed web hosting provider. If you also want a good domain name for your business, you should prefer a provider specializing in both domain name registration and best web hosting. Before you finalize the one that best fits your needs, do make it a point to compare products and services offered by different providers. Moreover, you should read and understand all terms and conditions associated with the hosting or domain registration agreements.
Source By Akhilesh
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